Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the in loving Communion > Page 7


a flowering of Connection

reflections of a sharing subtle & powerful

Page 7

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We simply rest the mind and allow connection to show itself and its revelation to us. In moments of felt dis-connection, even at a personal level, we can welcome that in relaxation, also. We can, also, accept that finally the meaning of connection is the connection itself, not any meaning added to the connection. This is like a person enjoying a view, knowing the seeing itself is the meaning.

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Possibly, that day, that dear young lady and I shared in a communion in which we both knew, at least in spirit, what John O'Donahue meant in saying, "Like children, we often 'make strange' with each other." This meaning, the intimacy of spiritual communion, in contrast to normal social relations, arises from a depth of being that creates a sense of being-strange with each another, for such closeness is too close to feel familiar to us. In all I have said, I say, the loveliness of that timeless sharing lives within me, eternally, and no meaning need be ascribed to it, not for me.

Beauty is sufficient to Beauty,
being the flowering of Itself.
Beauty is Love,
Love is Beauty.

Single .

*Copyright 2018, Brian Kenneth Wilcox

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the in loving Communion > Page 7

©Brian Wilcox 2025